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In the gameplay section it mentions "Doing well in specific sections of the level may reward you with alternate versions of the animations."
Is this a feature in the current build? I haven't noticed anything.

(1 edit) (+2)(-7)

Make the notes go down vertically, sideways looks bad

Or if you want to keep them horizontal, how about making them on separate lanes, can make them a bit smaller, but show all 4 buttons there.


my good friend have you ever played hit rhythm game taiko no tatsujin

I just played a game where the buttons cam down or went up depending on the power up.

Anyway, has the game some sort of scene gallery ? I noticed it has a story?   I will probably have to concentrate so much that I won't get to see anything .

if you beat a level (without no fail mode) you can go into handsfree where it will play itself

Okay thank you.  It would just be kinda pointless if you never see what's going on.

I might wait for a few more songs, but I do like that it got at least some sort of story. 

I just can't say if I really like any song beside the Cat ones so far, which I figured out is supposed to be the first.


or you could play something that isnt FNF


I like it even if I don't have the same excitemend like with the other rhytm game. I think i played the  demo here or something.  Now i noticed there is a bigger game that still needs to convince me. Anyway, I wanted to say I think it's a good idea to have the ability to maybe watch the performance after you have beaten the level?

It's always weird if you can't really concentrate on what your seeing anyway.


bro really is so broke he needs to convince himself for two months on whether to buy or not lol

 just buy it damn it there arent that many levels out now but you still have an epic modding community


Who is broke?, I'm also confused why you answered me four times.

It won't run on MacOS and there is no README instructions on how to fix. :/


u guys did an amazing job on the update!

so there is no way to download past versions of this


no there is


I got the game on Steam. Pretty good. Well made. Good music. Overall 9.5/10 (Could use more Big Strong women)


not this bitch making of pay

BunFan Games

please kill yourself and make this free

Deleted 46 days ago

bros mad he wastes his money


You don't have ten dollars


Me when I expect people to work full-time jobs for free for my personal benefit


Job application?


man why you so heated over a porn game just pirat it


is there no way to pay with paypal?

how to use mod in here?


i cant buy it on steam becouse im in germany can you fix that?

(1 edit) (+2)

that's because of steam/the law and not something the dev can do anything about. Only way would be to make it a completely censored version with no sexual scenes in it and release it as a rhythm game


try use vpn. if it won"t work then i dk (consider germany laws about porn, piracy and stuff)

You can buy it here on using e.g. a virtual credit card (or a real one ofc if you have one)



Does the ver come with a steam key?

so I have the game on steam and can't figure out how to download mods no matter how many guides I read. Help?


nvm figured it out


I doubt it but will there be an android version?


There's a mobile version of the legacy version. Thats it

where can I find it?

on their discord



can it be free ples


12 downvotes and no single comment explain why is this so? very sus

for me game should be full free everywhere


it's a project coded from the ground-up with hand-drawn animation. are you stupid?


I don't know if I'm stupid, maybe I am?(I just wanted to point out that the creator could have created many fake accounts to manipulate the results). anyway, I would be more worried about the intelligence of the people who bought this game.

 have a nice day, topic closed


What is blud waffling about 💀


you're as useful as the ueue in the word Queue


Fuckkkk I wanna play it but I have a chromebook and my version doesn't support Linux


Dowload a thing called wine, it is a layer of translation linux-windows, all godot games works with wine


I really like this game, but I think it's a little too unforgiving of errors. Missed beats should hurt your score, sure; but it's too easy to lose your rhythm, miss a few beats and then totally fail the scene.


I beat Cathy's scene on Normal with 4 stars on the first try, then failed Zoe's scene 4 times in a row because it's so unforgiving of misses. Then I did Zoe on Virgin (a bit condescending, that; why not "Easy"?) and immediately succeeded with 4 stars.

I think it shouldn't make you fail unless you were going to not even get a 1 star score. At the very least, it should forgive a few missed beats and give you clear warning that you're about to lose if you don't shape up.


Update: I've now beaten all three scenes on at least Normal, and two of them on Expert, with at least 4 stars. To go from failing to that is pretty jarring. I think there needs to be more space between failing and winning with flying colors---there should be ways to just do kind of mediocre.

But, again, let me say that this game is amazing, and despite being very incomplete, probably the best rhythm-sex game I've ever played.

Tbf they added stuff to make harder levels easier to pass with items in the shop. Plus if you fail that just means you need to improve and you only lose if you complete fail a note aka hitting the wrong key or just not pressing it at all 4 times in a row without items. The timing is very forgiving too as i'm sure you noticed. Theres 4 degrees of hitting a note that doesnt impact you negetavily, Perfect, great, nice and meh.  Considering all that i dont think the game is unfair if you fail cuz of hitting the wrong key or not pressing anything. (I'm not saying you're bad i'm just saying in my opinion the game is already fair enough and doesnt need to be any easier)

I'm not really asking for an overall decrease in difficulty, but rather a smoother transition between failure and success. I was eventually able to win all the levels. But I jumped directly from failing outright to getting 4 stars, and that's what felt weird. I actually think it might make sense to make it harder overall; but something feels wrong about just a slight difference in timing for half a dozen notes being the difference between failure and near-total success.

I think it might be the fact that Beat Banger focuses so heavily on successive notes---it's missing several in a row that makes you fail. I think I would prefer if it were a larger absolute number of missed notes, like "you can't miss more than 50" rather than "you can't miss more than 5 in a row".

To see what I mean, compare SpunkStock. Unless you specifically get the Doom modifier or several stacked Whip modifiers, you can miss several notes in a row without failing. You won't get the coveted SS or even S ratings, but you can still make it through the scene.

Overall I like Beat Banger better than SpunkStock; I particularly love that the beats you trigger are actually thrusts in the sex scene. But the difficulty curve in SpunkStock feels smoother, without the jarring leap from "you suck" to "you're amazing".

A different way to make successive notes important would be for the "Combo" count to actually do something, which as far as I can tell it does not. Some sort of bonus score multiplier you get at certain levels of combo (or even literally just +1% score for each beat per combo, so a 127 combo is +127% points) would provide incentive to never miss a beat without making you suddenly fail because there's one fast section of a song you're bad at.


Whenever you buy a game that isn't fully done, do you just get the current versions, or do you get the future updates to?


You get permanent access to all updates, as long as they're posted on the same page.

Thanks. 👍


i want free one


Yeah, a free demo would be nice.

Is this coming to android?

This looks lovely. Reminds me I have to buy it one day. Just shying away a bit from the prize, so I will either wait for a sale or go for it when I have a bit more money in the pocket.

Either way, this looks like some fun and unique gameplay and I respect that creativity. =3

Is there any way to buy this without a credit card? And no steam aswell.


you could always find the creator on the street and just hand them the cash, seems like a lot of work tho imo


I typed /handsfree on a main menu to do autoplay, but nothing happened. What should I exactly do to set auotplay?

I had to unlock hands-free autoplay by winning that scene at that difficulty first. 


Im from Germany and i cant get this game on steam. I also cant buy it here, beacuse i dont have credit or debit, Is there some other payment option or anywhere else where i can buy this?

You can usually buy bundles via PayPal

There are no Bundles with this gaame tho.

When i press buy there istn't a paypal option so i have the same problem

Das Problem kenne ich selber zu gut. Für diesen Zweck habe ich mir mal eine pre paid Kreditkarte angelegt. Gibt/Gab es z.B. bei der Santarda Group ohne laufende Kosten. Muss halt wie klassische Handykarten mit Geld aufgeladen werden, was für Gelegenheitsnutzer aber ideal ist (weil sicher. Kann höchstens das Geld weggehen, was man drauflädt). Es dauert ein paar Wochen, bis so eine Karte da und nutzbar ist, ist die Zeit aber wert, sobald man sie hat.

Mit etwas Glück gibt es bei deiner aktuellen Bank auch die Möglichkeit, eine kostenlose VISA/MasterCard dazuzubekommen.

Womit ich persönlich schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht habe, ist die Landesbank Berlin (sehr unprofessioneller Support; Zumindest in meinem Fall). Generell vor Abschluss aber immer genau in dem von der Bank bereitgestellten PDF-Wälzer nachlesen, was die Konditionen sind.

idk why i cant join the discord  T.T


Links to join can expire, so that ancient ones malcontents spread around aren't active forever.

I think.


anyone can tell how to unlock the last two pictures in the gallery please??

Deleted 88 days ago

when i download it it tells me the compressed zip folder is invalid anyone else 

Deleted 73 days ago

i had the same, but it opens fine in winrar


Okay so I did some testing to make sure its not just a one off fat-finger on my part. The 42nd note on the easy mode for Gale is bugged. It will count as perfect/hit, then immediately "miss". It's not that big of an issue since I got the 3 banners for the hard mode, but its still annoying from a completion standpoint lol.


I'm so happy that the game is finally available outside of Steam! Hope the tip I left on top is enough! :D


Is anyone else having the problem where the application isn't opening? I was using the macos download and every time I tried opening up the actual Beatbanger app,  the finder thing would just say "The application 'beatbanger' can't be opened."


Mine also said it was damaged and can't be opened on mac

Did you ever figure it out? mine says the same and I feel I may have wasted 10$

Yes, I went to the discord and was directed to this video I believe, which solved the issue for me, though it's been quite some time I can't promise it'll work for you. 

When for android?

when do you think the next release will be?

(1 edit) (+1)

Right now


I can only pay with paypal

(1 edit)

me too

Any chance we could get configuration to have the controller or keyboard inputs as arrows?  I'd be so much less likely to confuse the buttons that way on a controller, and it would also mean that I don't have to reach up across my keyboard.


Is anyone else having an issue joining the discord? Every time I try to join it tells me "unable to accept invite" I'd like to join so I can download mods.  Any help would be much appreciated, thank you! 


Their invite link hasn't worked for at least a year or more, no matter what I do or which device I use I constantly get "the invite link has expired". I don't know whether they don't care or haven't noticed because no matter how many people mention it they never seem to reply to them or visibly fix it

(+1) works just not for everyone for some reason, maybe try a private tab?

(1 edit)

Nope, that doesn't work.

I've tried on my desktop app, desktop browser (Firefox), phone app & phone browser both through links and manually typing it in.

And I don't seem to be having trouble connecting to other channels because I recently joined another game channel. I don't think it's possible I've been banned from the Bunfan channel as I've never been on it, the only other possible thing is that it's not available to me in NZ (highly doubt this but is possible).

All I want is access to the mods. Do you know of another place I can get mods? The github I used to get them from was obliterated for some reason.


is there a widescreen option?

Is it possible to port bb on android? 


Is this version the same as the Steam Version, both are v2.88?


Yes, this is just an alternate release path for people who don't want to get it on the Steam platform and have a porn game in their notifications


it says i need to pay to download  the game how can git it free ?


That is often how products work.

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