Version 3.7 - Shop Update + Dawna Progress

Sorry for the wait. It's been a little tricky to get used to the new swing of things now that our art pipeline is different and with the addition of merchandise. It's been a journey figuring out how to time manage everything. But now we're steadily settling into a more stable workflow, and we should be able to get future updates out semi-monthly as planned.

This update is relatively small, but it paves the way for us to add some planned features, such as the Gashapon feature And the ability to remove Jasmine's clothes 😳

The Shop Has A New Look

The shop has been updated to be more compact and readable on the steam deck. We've reverted the category menu controls back to using the left and right arrows on your keyboard, and the Q and E keys will now change which section of the shop is focused. This change will allow you to access the ability to change Jasmine's outfit and will allow you to access the Gashapon system!

Jasmine's outfit variants are in the game files but are not unlockable yet. Expect an update on that in a few days. The Gashapon system will come later as it is more complex.

Merch Launch

We've officially launched our character standee merch line. As of posting this announcement, most of the standees Are already sold out, but we'll be restocking soon, so please keep an eye out on our store page at

Dawna Progress

We're slowly but surely developing our new animation pipeline. Dawna's level is making good progress, so we'll soon be putting the draft up for the level in the game for patrons to test, and then the finalized version in the main game soon after!


  • Added Jasmine's Outfit Menu
  • Added Gashapon Machine


  • Fixed shop camera zoom
  • Fixed crash on the last level transition (By Doodle Surface)


  • Updated the Shop Background
  • Updated the Shop UI
  • Updated the Shop Controls (Use Q and E to change sections)
  • Changed powerups to be consumable

Files 539 MB
Version 3.7 Jun 19, 2024 473 MB
Version 3.7 Jun 19, 2024 441 MB
Version 3.7 Jun 19, 2024

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any updates?

any updates on the new level?


question, when i buy the game and then it gets an updated do i just get the new files, or do i have to buy the entire game again? (i never bought anything on other platforms then steam)


I can answer that. You get a link in your e-mail to get at the files. Now, if you want to download the newest e-mail? Use that link again. Can't find it anymore? Click on "Buy Now" and down there is also a small text button in case you already bought it. The link will be sent again. Not exactly the most convenient, but it works out. =3


thank you

Dammit. Getting more and more interested! xD I hope there will be a sale soon. Would be neat to get it for a little cheaper, though the way it looks it might be well worth the asking price.


Same here, my dude. The Steam Summer Sale looks good, but the current disc on the game rn ain't appealing to me yet. Maybe if it gets a bit lower by another 25% then perhaps I'll finally buy it and Beat-Bang it. real

Wish I could buy it on Steam, but it isn't available in my country for some strange reason and there never seems to be a sale for it on


Maybe because of the dumb fact that the politicians block access to buy NSFW games for their own "reasons".

Since I learned a long time ago that Sony doesn't allow  Philippines or other certain Asian-based country users to log into the PSN accounts, I know your pain dude,  gaming basically is being f*cked over by Corporate bullshiteries like this one... :(

Huh. I suppose that makes more sense than the devs here blocking it as that would be hard to imagine. Puritans of the political or corporate side is a pain to deal with either way. Can't even enjoy things. Strangely enough, NSFW games are things I can see on Steam. But that is probably because of the location of the devs then.